Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Spring break 2010 was a mixed bag of activities. For starters we didn't do all that we had planned because we moved the week before and it was way too much to leave right away. Our original plan was to go to S. Oregon then back to Idaho for the rest of the week. But we decided it was too much driving. We got some work done around home on the weekend and left or Idaho on Tuesday. We spent the first night with Martha and Al and Jay and I had a fun day at the Boise mall before heading to Ontario on Wednesday.Al, Jay and Martha

Neola and Mary fit in time for a visit and coffee!

Stephanie and Eli, we got to spend time with them. Eli so cute!

We had a surprise. Luke decided to stop through Ontario on his way to Fresno, he wanted to see as many people as possible so we planned a dinner at Fiesta. Lots of family and friends came to eat and socialize.

Stephanie, Eli and Mike

Luke and Neola. So nice to see him!

Luke, Becky and Steve

Connor, Chase, Kerry, Doug and Carson. We got to spend sometime with them also.

Jay, Carson, Chase and Connor. They are all growing up!
Jay was invited to Payette's Prom by KaDee. They have been friends for all their lives. We planned our spring break around making the prom work for the kids. We had the tux measured in Grand Junction and ordered the tux from Ontario.

Jay and KaDee... looking great! They had fun.

The group for prom being silly! They had steak dinner at Bradshaw's. One of the girls date got grounded so they found her another date at the last minute. He came with flowers, in a red mustang convertible. MaryBeth, KaDee's mom and I went to the prom and got to see all the decorates and the kids at the dance. It was fun to reconnect with people.

Steve and Becky... thanks for letting us stay with you!

Neola and Jamie.
We got to visit with him and family a few times. The fun story was on our way from Boise to Ontario. I tried to call Jamie and see if he was home or still on his way home from Nampa where he works... long story short he was two cars in front of us!
It was great to get out of town and see everyone but it was nice to come home to our new house!