We had a great family vacation to California. We got to see new places and visit places we had been to before. I think about the two times before when we have taken the kids to Disneyland. The first time was when John had another conference down there and the kids were 1, 3 and 5 years old. We took our dear friend and babysitter Sara with us because with John in meetings and me with 3 little ones was going to be tough. Sara was a great help and we visited the park without John and had a great time. (Not that Jay remembers it) The next time we went they were 7, 9 and 11 years old. So much easier and we were able to all the rides together and made new memories. Now 10 years later they are 17, 19 and 21. It was a totally different experience with all but one an adult. We split up whenever we wanted, the kids stayed at the park longer. They rode the Screaming CA without me. You didn't have to carry anyone, etc.... Each time the park has changed and offered different attractions, but what still remains the same it is a great place to go for vacation no matter how old you are!
On the first couple of trips John drove most of the way from Idaho with me helping him when he would let me drive or he was falling asleep. This time we drove from Colorado through Las Vegas to S. CA and we had 4 drivers.
Making Memories is Fun!
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